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JSC "AGR pakas" – is a company that specializes in packing materials and equipment for agriculture and was established in 1998. JSC „AGR pakas“ also provides consultation services regarding the best packing materials, their technical characteristics suitable for you and helps to choose optimal packing solutions and suitable packing materials according to your needs. We always have packing material reserves in our warehouses, thus we can ensure quick delivery for our customers all over Lithuania.


Our company cooperates with trustworthy and known packing material manufacturers in Italy, Germany, Poland and China. Our products are exported to neighboring countries: Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, but we always search for new possibilities and partners.


The principles of our activities – timeliness, quality, and reliability. While keeping to these principles JSC „AGR pakas“ became a strong company with a stable workflow and growth.


Our mission – using our knowledge and experience to ensure our clients:


  • Products and services of the highest quality
  • Competitive prices
  • Quick client service
  • Exceptional attention to our every client‘s needs